Soon HTC ONE user will KITKAT [4.4]

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 05 November 2013 0 komentar

Android 4.4 KitKat has arrived along with the Google Nexus 5 which was made available to order just the other day. That’s all good if you are planning on ordering a new phone, but there are those that recently just bought a high end phone but still want the latest OS. Well there is good news for HTC One owners though as the company has confirmed that an update will be available for the phone within the next 90 days, although the exact timing of the update will depend on where you bought your phone and which model it was.

                                           The New Android OS from Google
We have learnt in the past never to take Android updates for granted and even though the HTC One is HTC’s flagship phone we are all relieved to hear that the update will be coming to HTC One phones. Jason Mackenzie, who is the President of HTC America right now, recently confirmed that the new update will be coming to HTC One phones but the exact timing of the rollout will depend on the model of your phone.
The basic gist of it all is that those that bought the Google edition of the HTC One will get the update within the next 15 days. Those that bought the developer edition or an unlocked phone can expect to receive the update within the next 30 days, and everyone else should expect theirs within the next 90 days. It seems like a long time to wait but at least the update is forthcoming.
Do you think that the wait time for your HTC One is too long? What do you make of it all? Please leave us a comment below and we will get back to you.
Source: Maximum PC
Judul: Soon HTC ONE user will KITKAT [4.4]
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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